In order to strive towards meeting this commitment, we will:

  • meet all necessary legislative, compliance and consent obligations which relate to our business.
  • keep informed of environmental issues and those which are of direct relevance to our business.
  • continue to raise the awareness of all our employees, the effect of their actions on, and their responsibility to the environment, by communication, discussion, and training.
  • working with clients and suppliers to encourage high environmental standards.
  • continue to have an open dialogue with customers, the public and other interested parties about relevant environmental impacts.
  • minimise our environmental impact by the operation of suitable waste minimisation and recycling schemes.
  • manage our buildings and site in an environmentally sensitive manner.
  • make use of, wherever practicable, best environmental practice when planning and developing new and existing operations.
  • operate a thoughtful and responsible purchasing policy by selecting wherever practical, materials and services which are less damaging to the environment.
  • set environmental objectives and targets intended to enhance our environmental performance and monitor and review the results on a regular basis.
  • continually improve our Environmental Management System to protect the environment and prevent pollution by continually reducing waste, effluent, emissions, noise and the use of scarce resources, and improving the efficiency of our use of energy, water and natural resources.