
The Byres, Wicklesham Lodge Farm,
Faringdon, Oxfordshire, SN7 7PN

+44 (0)1367 244878


A purpose that doesn’t follow the herd.

Ram Active Investment – Brand Identity


  • Brand purpose
  • Brand platform
  • Brand identity


RAM Active Investment , an investment company operating at the forefront of new technologies felt they had become vanilla in a commoditised market. With a change of guard they wanted to shake things up. To the outside world investment companies pretty much provide the same service, look and sound the same. Customers want to know that they are getting real value from their investment managers. They want to know they are dealing with smart people, using smart insight. Our challenge was how do we reinvigorate the brand to stand out in a commoditised market, to capture the heart and minds of savvy investors. And their cash, as that’s the business after all.


Fair play to RAM and the senior team they properly bought into being ripped up and rebuilt. Brave. Through a series of workshops with key stakeholders, we worked to unlock the purpose that lay at the heart of the organisation. A uniting cause that felt ambitious and offered clear benefits to the investors, to push beyond convention thereby creating value from complexity. We then defined the set of values that drive the organisation and descriptors of how they do it. Then came the creative development, where we refined the brand platform that felt equally bold and unconventional. At the centre of this was the creation of a brand mascot, developed collaboratively and created through our first ‘proper use of AI tools. Alongside this was a whole new look and feel’ a new logo and new templates for the team to use across the website, brochures and social assets.


The end result: a united team energised about what the company had to offer and a distinctive brand.

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